Jewellery Designer series: Interview with Gabriella Luchini

Gabriella Luchini, Sydney-based jewellery designer and renowned for her historically-inspired, decadent pieces, gave Magpiette a little peek into her world and the inspiration and stories behind her brand.
Tell me a little bit about yourself and how you got into making jewellery?
My path into the Jewellery industry was somewhat unexpected yet intuitive. I had studied Interior Spacial design at University and was working as a stylist for a venue with a very specific design aesthetic and high turnaround of changes made to the space. I was getting no satisfaction from that particular job, so on a whim I decided to treat myself to a silversmithing short course for the fun of it. The course was only 3 weeks but those 3 weeks completely changed the trajectory of my life. I quit my job, signed up to the Jewellery Manufacturing course at TAFE (which I highly recommend) and have never looked back.
How long have you been making?
I have been sitting at a bench for myself and others since 2016. However I like to say that I spent 2016 through 2017 practicing, and 2018 through to today honing my craft and producing much more refined pieces.
How long have you been making?
I have been sitting at a bench for myself and others since 2016. However I like to say that I spent 2016 through 2017 practicing, and 2018 through to today honing my craft and producing much more refined pieces.

Sacred Heart Pendant - Gabriella Luchini
What inspires your designs?
I’m heavily inspired by the Italian Renaissance period through to the late Baroque art movement. I find these few hundred years of art and architecture fascinating in their ability to take elements from classic art movements and reinvent them. This is exactly the approach I take towards my work.
Biggest highlight or achievement as a designer?
Honestly I can’t just choose one. I still get so excited about the small wins! A standout though has been setting up my studio. It took me a few months to set up to the standard I wanted it at, but it feels so great to have my own dedicated space. I’ve managed to fill the space with everything that I need as well as make it feel like a showroom. I have really beautiful art hanging up and dedicated places for different components of the work, for example a soldering station and a wrapping bench. It has become a space where I step into and instantly I am in work mode, but also a place that I have been fortunate enough to create some really beautiful pieces. It’s really magical working in there everyday.

Pearl chandelier earrings - Gabriella Luchini
What's your favourite piece of jewellery by someone else?
There is a yellow gold and pearl necklace from Roman Antiquity, 1st-2nd Century AD to be more precise. It is currently on show at the MET Museum and I have been fortunate enough to see it in person. It just blows my mind that over 2000 years ago there were craftsman capable of producing such delicate and intricate pieces without the tools we have available to us today. I find it even more fascinating that these pieces have literally stood the test of time. That’s a real legacy, and I find it mind-blowing. I would love to be able to leave a 2000 year old legacy, imagine that!
Three words that sum up your brand?
Earthy reinterpreted classics.

Gabriella's Opis Pendant is available in silver and gold as part of our Minimal Collection (pictured above with the Solid Gold Bar necklace).
Visit to discover her other work.
Posted on September 08 2020